

Egg Hatching “Eggsperience”

Introducing the Shaker’s Acres “Eggsperience”… a unique educational egg-hatching project to enjoy in your own home or classroom, without the long term commitment of chicks. Your kids will love being the “mama hen”

The 30-day program includes:
  • Low-maintenance Brinsea incubator with large viewing window,
  • 7 fertile chicken eggs,
  • Brooder equipment and feed for 7 days after hatch,
  • Detailed instruction manual and text assistance if needed,
  • Best of all… return chicks to live out their lives on the Farm!



$100 flat fee due prior to pickup.

Equipment pick up and drop off at Shaker’s Acres, by appointment. Delivery available for an additional charge.

Please email us to request an Eggsperience.
We will contact you to set a start date. 

Please feel free to email with any additional questions!




*Incubation of chicken eggs is 21 days, please check your calendar when choosing a start date. You want to be present day 20-22, and then the following week to care for the chicks.